How to add a Vendor to the Vendor Master

How to add a Vendor to the Vendor Master

Navigating to Vendor Master

  1. Choose the Manage option from the Navigation bar and select the Vendors from the drop-down menu.
  2. Click Add Vendor button from the Vendor Master screen.

Adding a Vendor to the Vendor Master

For a user to add a Vendor to the Vendor Master, the user should be assigned the role of a Vendor Creator.

  1. Fill in all the details for the Vendors such as Business Details, Tax Details, MSME Details, LDC Details, Location Details, Bank Details and add the Attachments.

  1. A user could also Import the Business Details and Location Details by using the autofill option by turning on the GST Registered toggle switch and clicking on the Auto fill from GSTIN button on the top right of the screen.

  1. To search and fetch the vendor details from the GSTIN portal, the user can fill in the GST number in the search box and click on the Search button.
  2. Once the details are fetched, they can be populated to the vendor forms by clicking on the Fill Data button.

  1. Additional Locations can be added by clicking on Add New Item button in the Location Details section within the Vendor form.

  1. The GSTIN of the vendor can be verified by clicking on the Verify GSTIN button.
  2. The Remove button against each of the location can be used to remove the location.

  1. Additional Bank Details can be added by clicking on Add New Item button in the Account Details section within the Vendor form.
  2. The verification of the bank accounts can be done by clicking on the Verify Bank Account button.
  3. The Remove button against each of the bank account detail can be used to remove the bank account details.

  1. Upon filling in all the required details, click on Submit for Approval.
  2. Click the Confirm and Proceed button after choosing the required Policy and Approval Workflow in the Reviewal Matrix screen to submit the Vendor for approval.

Approval Workflow

  1. After successful creation of the Vendor, it will be submitted for approval based on the policy which is chosen at the time of Vendor creation. 

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