How to Create and Manage Reports within the Dashboards

How to Create and Manage Reports within the Dashboards

Navigating to Insights

Insights is an add-on module that is available only for the Admin Users.
  1. Choose the Manage option from the Navigation bar and select Insights from the drop-down menu.

Creating a Report in the Dashboard

  1. Choose the required dashboard from the list of available dashboards to which the report is to be added.

  1. Click on Add Report button to add a new report to the dashboard.

  1. Choose the Document Type on which the report is to be created.


  1. Measure is the document parameter on which the report is to be made. 
  2. For example, if the user is trying to create a report to understand the total expenses incurred against each cost center, the parameter which is needed to be analyzed is the net amount of paid invoices against each of the cost centers. For this report, the user has to add Invoices > Net Amount to the Add Measure field.
  3. The user can analyze multiple parameters simultaneously by adding multiple parameters to Measure by clicking on the Add Measure button post the addition of each of the required parameters. For example, if the user needs to analyze both invoice count and invoice amount, the user can initially add Invoice Count to measure, post which the user can click on Add Measure button to add Invoice Net Amount as well.


  1. Dimension is used to bifurcate the measured parameter on various aspects with respect to the document.
  2. For example, if the user is trying to identify the invoices paid against each cost center, the user needs to add Cost Center to the Add Dimension field.
  3. The user can have multiple bifurcations simultaneously by adding multiple parameters to Dimension by clicking on the Add Dimension button post the addition of each of the required parameters on which the bifurcation is to be made. For example, for a user to analyze net invoice amount against both Department and Cost Center, the user can initially add Department to dimension, post which the user can click on Add Dimension button to add Cost Center as well.


  1. Segment is used to filter out the report for a specific set of results.
  2. For example, for the user to identify only the invoices paid against all the cost centers, the user needs to add Invoices > Paid in the Add Segment field.
  3. The user can have multiple filters simultaneously by adding multiple parameters to the Segment by clicking on the Add Segment button post the addition of each of the required parameter on which the filtering is to be done. For example, for a user trying to analyze the net amount of invoices which are Paid and are Initiated by Vendor Payment Users, the user can initially add Invoices > Paid to Segment post which the user could click on Add Segment button to add Initiator > Vp Users as well.


  1. Time is used to create the report for a specific duration of time.
  2. The time frame could be set based on various stages in the progression of the measured parameter and could be analyzed according to time frame ranging from days to years which could be again segmented into smaller time frames within the report.
  3. For example, for the user who is trying to identify the sum invoices which are submitted each month for the current year, the user needs to map Invoice > Submitted at to the Add Time Field and add This Year for the time frame and Month as the segmentation for the time frame.

  1. Choose the required Document Type and fill in the required Report Name.
  2. Choose the parameters for MeasureDimensionSegment and Time as per the required report.

  1. After creating the report, click on Add to Dashboard button to add the report to the dashboard.

  1. After adding the report to the dashboard, click on the Save button to update the dashboard with the latest reports.

  1. Upon Successfully saving the dashboard with the latest reports, a pop-up stating Dashboard Saved will be displayed on the top right of the screen.

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