How to use Filters

How to use Filters

Navigating to Filters

  1. Choose the relevant document screen in which you need to filter out the required data.
  2. Click on the Filters menu button to apply a new filter.

Using the Default Filters

  1. Default Filters could be used to filter out the required data on a basic level using various document parameters based on the document type which the user had chosen.

Using the Advanced Filters

  1. Click on New Condition Group to add advanced filtering parameters along with the default filtering conditions.

  1. Advance Filters could be used as AND/OR conditional statements along with the default filters.

  1. Multiple advanced filtering conditions could be added by clicking the Add New Condition button.
  2. Nested advanced filtering conditions could be added by clicking the Add Condition Sub Group button.
  3. Advance filters could be removed by clicking on the Remove Group button

  1. Click on the Apply button after choosing all the required filtering conditions to obtain the filtered data.

  1. Click on the Clear button in the filter tab to clear the applied filtered view.

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